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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - feature


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English feture, from Anglo-French, from Latin factura act of making, from factus, past participle of facere to makemore at do  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the structure, form, or appearance especially of a person  b. obsolete physical beauty  2.  a. the makeup or appearance of the face or its parts  b. a part of the face ; lineament  3.  a. a prominent part or characteristic  b. any of the properties (as voice or gender) that are characteristic of a grammatical element (as a phoneme or morpheme); especially one that is distinctive  4. a special attraction: as  a. a ~d motion picture  b. a ~d article, story, or department in a newspaper or magazine  c. something offered to the public or advertised as particularly attractive one of the car's most popular ~s  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; featuring)  Date: circa 1755  transitive verb  1. chiefly dialect to resemble in ~s  2. to picture or portray in the mind ; imagine  3.  a. to give special prominence to the exhibit ~s local artists  b. to have as a characteristic or ~ a menu featuring many options  intransitive verb to play an important part
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a distinctive or characteristic part of a thing. 2 (usu. in pl.) a distinctive part of the face, esp. with regard to shape and visual effect. 3 a distinctive or regular article in a newspaper or magazine. 4 a (in full feature film) a full-length film intended as the main item in a cinema programme. b (in full feature programme) a broadcast devoted to a particular topic. --v. 1 tr. make a special display or attraction of; give special prominence to. 2 tr. & intr. have as or be an important actor, participant, or topic in a film, broadcast, etc. 3 intr. be a feature. Derivatives featured adj. (also in comb.). featureless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF feture, faiture form f. L factura formation: see FACTURE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) деталь, элемент (изображения, геометрической фигуры, топологии) 2) признак, свойство, характерная особенность, характерная черта характеризовать(ся) 3) топологический элемент (ИС) 4) техническая характеристика; параметр 5) мн. ч. защитные меры (для предотвращения аварийных ситуаций на АЭС) 6) спектральная компонента (речи) - feature of construction - adaptive feature - coded features - critical dimensional features - derived feature - design features - device feature - distinctive features - engineered safety features - geometrical feature - geometric feature - image feature - length adjustment feature - lock-in feature - minimum feature - perimeter security features - ranking feature - safety system support features - selective identification feature - stay-put feature - task-oriented feature - terrain feature ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  особенность, характер; признак; свойство; техническая характеристика; параметр геод.ориентир; элемент рельефа; элемент содержания карты concrete landscape features design feature natural features relief feature simulated landscape features specific features ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) техническая характеристика; параметр 2) функция, возможность – energy-saving feature – service-feature feature – spill-forward feature – technical features ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) деталь 2) изображать 3) качество 4) особенность 5) признак 6) свойство 7) статья 8) характерная черта - distinctive feature - feature film - feature logic - fuzzy feature - noise-killing feature ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (техническая) характеристика; параметр 2) особенность; (отличительный) признак; свойство; черта; описывать изображать особенности, признаки 3) средство; возможность 4) (геометрический) элемент (объекта); поверхность (детали) 5) деталь (конструкции) 6) pl геометрические или функциональные характеристики или признаки (напр. в САПР) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  особенность; характерная черта; признак; свойство – feature of invention – feature of novelty – feature of process – additional feature – antecedent feature – artistic feature – characteristic feature – chief feature – common feature – defective feature – design feature – disadvantageous feature – distinctive feature – dominant feature – fail-safe feature – generic feature – identifying feature – infringing feature – integral feature – inventive feature – known feature – leading feature – nonessential feature – novel feature – outstanding feature – patented feature – protective feature – schematic feature – structural feature – technical feature – technological feature – unpatented feature – unsatisfactory feature FEATURE 1. сущ. 1) общ. особенность, характерная черта, свойство, признак, деталь, характеристика 2) иск. художественный игровой фильм 3) СМИ сенсационный материал, гвоздь программы; постоянный раздел (в газете, журнале) 4) бирж. "гвоздь программы" (акция или сектор фондового рынка, который в течение дня характеризовался особенно активным заключением сделок и колебанием цен) See: stock market, stock exchange, stock, fast market 5) псих. характерная черта, особенность 2. гл. общ. характеризовать; изображать, описывать; отличать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  признак, характерная черта – ancestral feature ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. черты лица her eyes are the best feature —- в ее лице самое красивое - это глаза he had regular but rather small features —- у него были правильные, но довольно мелкие черты лица she had oriental features —- у нее был восточный тип лица 2. особенность, характерная черта; признак, свойство a lake is an important feature of a landscape —- озеро является важной частью пейзажа the geographical features of a district —- географические особенности района the speech contained some excellent features —- в этой речи было немало положительных моментов wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland —- сырая погода - это неотъемлемая черта жизни в Шотландии unusual feature in a political programme —- нетрадиционные пункты политической программы 3. воен. особенности, признаки distinguishing features —- отличительные признаки terrain features —- рельеф местности 4. гвоздь программы; аттракцион; интересный момент the actress is the main feature of the show —- на этой актрисе держится вся программа 5. статья, очерк (в газете, журнале) feature story —- тематическая статья; документальный очерк feature page —- газетная страница, на которой помещаются основные статьи 6. сенсационный или нашумевший материал (о статье, сообщении, иллюстрации) an account of the fire was a feature of the Sunday supplement —- сенсацией воскресного приложения было описание пожара...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of a treaty положение договора FEATURE  1. noun  1) особенность, характерная черта; признак, свойство, деталь - feature of a treaty - agricultural features  2) usu. pl. черты лица  3) большая (газетная) статья  4) сенсационный материал (о статье, сообщении по радио или телевидению)  5) гвоздь программы; аттракцион  6) полнометражный фильм; основной фильм кинопрограммы; центральная передача телепрограммы  7) topogr. местный предмет; подробность рельефа местности  8) attr. - feature film - feature article Syn: see characteristic  2. v.  1) изображать, рисовать, набрасывать; обрисовывать  2) быть характерной чертой  3) показывать (на экране); выводить в главной роли  4) делать гвоздем программы  5) отводить важнейшее место the newspaper features a story - газета на видном месте помещает рассказ  6) исполнять главную роль, выступать в главной роли (in) The latest popular actress is featured in this new film.  7) coll. напоминать чертами лица, походить на кого-л., что-л. FEATURE article очерк FEATURE film художественный фильм ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (features, featuring, featured) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A feature of something is an interesting or important part or characteristic of it. Patriotic songs have long been a feature of Kuwaiti life... The spacious gardens are a special feature of this property... N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 2. Your features are your eyes, nose, mouth, and other parts of your face. His features seemed to change... Her features were strongly defined. N-PLURAL: usu poss N 3. When something such as a film or exhibition features a particular person or thing, they are an important part of it. It’s a great movie and it features a Spanish actor who is going to be a world star within a year... This spectacular event, now in its 5th year, features a stunning catwalk show. = include VERB: V n, V n 4. If someone or something features in something such as a show, exhibition, or magazine, they are an important part of it. Jon featured in one of the show’s most thrilling episodes. VERB: V in/on n 5. A feature is a special article in a newspaper or magazine, or a special programme on radio or television. ...a special feature on the fund-raising project. N-COUNT: oft N on n 6. A feature or a feature film or movie is a full-length film about a fictional situation, as opposed to a short film or a documentary. ...the first feature-length cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. N-COUNT: usu N n 7. A geographical feature is something noticeable in a particular area of country, for example a hill, river, or valley. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical  (The house has many interesting features, including a large Victorian fireplace.) + of  (An important feature of Van Gogh's paintings is their bright colours.) common feature  (Mass unemployment is a common feature of industrialized societies. | geographical feature (=part of an area such as a hill, river etc)) 2 a piece of writing about a subject in a newspaper or a magazine + on  (There was a feature on Kevin Costner in last week's Sunday Times.) 3 features the parts of someone's face such as their eyes, nose etc  (He had fine delicate features.) 4 a film being shown at a cinema  (There were a couple of short cartoons before the main feature.) ~2 v 1 to show a particular person or thing in a film, magazine, show etc  (an exhibition featuring paintings by contemporary artists | feature sb as (=include a famous actor who plays a particular person))  (featuring Marlon Brando as the Godfather) 2 to be included in something and be an important part of it + in  (Violence seems to feature heavily in all of his books.) 3 a word meaning to include something new or unusual, used especially in advertisements  (The car features an anti-lock braking system.) 4 to show or advertise a particular kind of product  (This week we're featuring a brand new range of frozen foods.) 5 to show a film, play etc  (A popular Berkeley theater featured a porno movie called `Slaves of Love') ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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